Person of the issue
In every issue we are going to describe people who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of the Russian data center industry. We are going to describe people whose work is truly invaluable for the market, who shaped the industry, as we know it today. Those are real professionals, with vast experience behind them. This rubric will feature their biographies, career paths and day-to-day activities, views on key issues and more.
Photo tour of data center
Number of Russian data centers increases exponentially every year. HPC are being constructed, that are not inferior to their Western counterparts. In this rubric we will describe the most advanced data centers and their key features, focusing on non-standard engineering solutions, innovative and energy-efficient technologies.
Data center project: market experts’ opinion
Our editorial staff in conjunction with the readers brings up for the discussion of market experts (leading specialists of Russian and Western system integrators, engineering, design companies, and equipment manufacturers) some elements of projects in the field of data center physical infrastructure components. Criticism, analysis of strengths and weaknesses, errors in design and alternative solutions, best practices — all of that will be provided in this rubric.
Data center analytics
Reviews and analytics of Russian and Western market by leading analytical agencies
Data center news
Overview of the most interesting events in the Western and Russian data center markets.
When implementing a project related to building a new data center or upgrading an existing facility, there’s always a problem of choice. DC’s life cycle and its cost depend largely on the decisions taken during this stage. This section’s contents show illustrative examples of dome reasoned decision-making when implementing a DC project.
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Legal Advice
Just like their colleagues from some other fields of activity, data center market participants often encounter issues related to legislation interpretation and regulations. Our professional lawyer answers various questions submitted by the magazine’s readers.
Cover Story
Each issue of our magazine is devoted to some crucial aspect of data center design, construction and operation. This section’s contents provide answers to pressing questions related to modern engineering technologies, products and operation processes for data centers and their components. Authors carry out a comparative analysis of gear from various vendors, describe its implementation and much more.
Foreign Practices
Via this rubric, we spread info about the major players on the Western data center market that have achieved outstanding results in the industry – those standing out among others due to unique approach to design, construction and operation of next-gen data centers.
Engineering Academy
This section was created for those readers whose theoretical knowledge in the field of engineering infrastructure is far beyond the primary level. Articles to this section are written be recognized industry experts.
New technologies don’t find their way to the consumer right away. Before giving away their money, cautious customers spend some time studying advanced ideas implemented in new products. This section is dedicated to innovative products and solutions. It’s an excellent platform for such an acquaintance.
Incognito Conversation
Most often, DC market-related issues encountered in practice are discussed on the sidelines. Meanwhile, familiarity with the negative experience of companies facing various problems related to DC construction can bring huge benefits and a chance to avoid errors. Anonymous interviews with our guests within this section allow learning from the others’ mistakes and avoiding unexpected costs.